桂洪杰 厦门大学嘉庚澳门威斯人游戏平台澳门威斯人游戏平台专任教师,副教授,博士
1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 (LZUJBKY-2010-96)
2. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2011CB403301)
3. 国家自然科学基金项目(41171015)
1. Gui, H.J., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T., Desmiarti, R. Characteristics of NOM released to water from different forest and agricultural soils [J]. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences. 2016, 48(5): 631-644.
2. Gui, H.J., Du, H.X., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T. Characteristics of NOM released from soil under different pH conditions: physicochemical properties and activated carbon adsorbability [J]. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research). 2015, 71(7): 315-322.
3. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L.J., Gui, H.J., Pan, B.T., Zhang, J.D. The relationship between modern meteorological elements and the southern border of the Tengger Desert [J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2013, 112: 461-467.
4. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Yang, J., Wang, L.J., Zhao, S.L., Gui, H.J. The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development in the eastern Hexi Corridor China, during the Last Glacial period [J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2013, 62: 769-775.
5. Guan, Q.Y., Zhang, J.D., Wang, L.J., Pan, B.T., Gui, H.J., Zhang, C. Discussion of the relationship between dustfall grain size and the desert border, taking the southern border of the Tengger Desert and the southern dust deposit area as an example [J]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2013, 386: 1-7.
6. 管清玉, 桂洪杰, 潘保田, 王丽娟, 刘子变. 黄河宁蒙河段沙样粒度与分形维数特征[J]. 兰州大学学报(自). 2013, 49(1): 1-6.
7. 桂洪杰, 赵军平, 杜海霞, 张君弟, 刘佳. 兰州农村面源污染现状及防治对策分析[J]. 北方环境. 2011, 23(9): 126-127.
8. 赵军平, 桂洪杰. 含丙烯腈废水处理技术发展现状与实验研究. 环境科学与管理[J]. 2011, 36(12): 113-116.
9. 桂洪杰, 管清玉, 张乐群, 张君弟, 杜海霞, 刘佳, 王丽娟. 甘肃省农村面源污染现状与控制对策初步分析(OL). 中国科技论文在线. 201111-22.
1. Gui, H.J., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T. Release potential and characteristics of NOM from different forest and agricultural soils [C]. Proceedings of the 5th UGSAS-GU & BEWL Joint International Symposium on Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 2016: 68-69, Gifu University, Japan.
2. Gui, H.J., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T. Characterization of the composition of natural organic matter released to water from soil environment [C]. The 7th Forum on Studies of Environmental and Public Health Issues in Asian Mega-cities (EPAM 2016). 2016: 83-84, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan.
3. Li, F.S., Gui, H.J., Du, H.X., Murata, N., Wei, Y.F. Optimum combination of existing treatment processes is essential for elevation of drinking water quality [C], in Water supply and water quality, eds. ZbyslawDymaczewski& Joanna Jez-Walkowiak&AndrzejUrbaniak, polskieZrzeszenieInzynierowiTechnikowSanitarnychOddzial Wielkopolski (Publisher), ISBN 978-83-89696-93-2, 2016: 623-641. Poland.
4. Gui, H.J., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T. Characteristics of NOM released from forest soil by water with different pH [C]. Proceedings of the 4th UGSAS-GU International Symposium. 2015: 36-37, Gifu University, Japan.
5. Gui, H.J., Yoshimura, K., Li, F.S., Wei, Y.F., Yamada, T. Molecular weight and florescence characteristics of natural organic matter released from forest soil [C]. The 6th Forum on Studies of Environmental and Public Health Issues in Asian Mega-cities (EPAM 2015). 2015: 71-78, Xiamen, China,
6. Saito, H., Hara, M., Li, F.S., Kawaguchi, T., Gui, H.J. Occurrence of bacterial and viral indicators in Kani River of Kiso River system-Distribution density in forest and farm land of the catchment. The 48th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE). 2014: 127, Tohoku University, Japan.
1. 2010年9月-2013年6月,硕士课程学习期间担任导师教学助手
2. 2015年9月,随导师带领日本岐阜大学硕士研究生到中国参观实习
3. 2016年9月,在日本岐阜县环境管理技术中心实习
4. 2014年4月-2017年3月,博士课程学习期间担任导师科研助手